Monday, August 30, 2010

Praise the Lord maker of baby swings

So I understand that there are babies out there that are so sweet and calm and stare at the walls all day. That is not my Elizabeth. In the 11 weeks I have been her Mom, I have noticed that she is a relational baby, very interactive and is frustrated that her body will not move. She is already trying to sit up, crawl and if we hold her hands she will pull herself up to stand up. It is crazy. Our biggest challenge with her is sleeping. She fights sleep. It is simply maddening at times. Sometimes it will take 30-45 minutes to get her asleep. We originally had a small travel swing that she wanted nothing to do with. Recently we went to my Brother (Michael) and Sister in Law's (Cassie) house and used their swing. She was out in 5 minutes. My Mom happened to have a swing at her house and gave it to us. We assembled it yesterday, and I swear I must have heard the sound of Angels singing from above when we laid her down in it. She was talking to all the animals in the mobile and then she tired of that and fell asleep. And the Strobel household all thanked the LORD for making swings!